Lunar New Year Parade.

Chinese New Year falls on Wednesday, January 29, 2025  (Year of the Snake, 4723), and the Lunar New Year parade will place on Sunday, February 9, 2025

The parade will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the intersection of 24th Street and Wentworth Avenue and travel north on Wentworth towards the viewing stand at Cermak and Wentworth.

Our parade will feature traditional dragon and lion dancing teams, colorful floats, marching bands and marching groups.  

See here for more information including sponsorships.

The following year, Chinese New Year falls on Tuesday,  February 17, 2026, with the parade being held on Sunday, March 1, 2026 (Year of the Horse, 4724).

Dragon Boat Race for Literacy

The Chinese Dragon Boat Race dates back to over 2,000 years and is a popular sport among Chinese and Asian communities all over the world. Started in 2000, the Chicago Dragon Boat Race for Literacy is a family-fun activity enjoyed by visitors from all over the city and surrounding suburbs.

The next race will take place on June 21, 2025.

The Dragon Boat Race for Literacy has been successfully held by Chinatown Chamber for the past 20 years, which carries over the spirit of Chicago, promotes Asian culture, and aims to help the neighborhood literacy programs.

Summer Fair

** The next Summer Fair will be on July 26 and 27, 2025**

 This neighborhood street festival will open with a Lion Dance procession at 12:30 p.m., a welcome at 1 p.m. on Main Stage, followed by cultural performances. The fair will also feature a taste of Chinatown’s restaurants, unique gift shops, and a children’s area.  Hours will be Noon to 10 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday.  Admission is free.

Tours of Chinatown

The Foundation produces tours through the Chinatown Chamber of Commerce to educate visitors about the history of Chicago’s Chinatowns